Inspect cutting edge wear
Carry out a cutting edge check to assess whether it can be used again. How much repair is needed? and then send the information to the customer to confirm before proceeding
Confidence in high-quality service
Operated by the factories of the leading cutting tools companies in Thailand, to guarantee the quality of the manufacturer. Can work with the same efficiency as before, 100%
Save cost and reduce time
This service helps customers save costs by buying new products. And reduce the time it takes to set up a new tool
Carbide drills, Endmills, Reamers
Service for carbide drill products operated by Sumitomo Electric Hard Metal Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Thread Rolling Cylindrical & Flat Dies
Repairing and recoiling service for thread rolling cylindrical & flat dies operated by OSG Thai Co., Ltd.

Dressing service for CBN & diamond grinding wheel operated by A.L.M.T. (Thailand) under the brand “Osaka Diamond”